Articles about mental health, mental illness and treatment.
At Action Plus Bail Bonds, we have seen that many arrests occur as a result of someone who is suffering from a mental illness. In fact, we offer a variety of recovery services and resources to address the individual needs of the defendant. According to a recent study, “Data from a survey conducted of 1400…
All of them—including me, Women’s Health’s editor-in-chief. By Amy Keller Laird | April 18, 2016 Full Article >>> “Per an exclusive survey conducted by Women’s Health and the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), 78 percent of women suspect they have a mental illness; 65 percent have been diagnosed with one.” Please call 1-800-662-HELP (4357)…
May is Mental Health Month. Don’t keep mental illness to yourself. There’s power in sharing. #mentalillnessfeelslike